Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Picnic Table (Finally!!!)

When Grammy came to visit us, she bought me (that's right - MOMMY) a miter saw for my birthday and we put together this super cool picnic table for the boys. It went reasonably well, although I do have some lessons learned that I'll share later. I finally got it painted so I'll give you what you really want - pictures with cute models!

Grammy and her best bud doing a bit of light sanding

Patrick checking for square, or something like that

My super-efficient paint crew

Lest you be worried, Patrick was not upset about the amount of paint he appears to have ingested. He was actually angry that I told him we were done and took his paintbrush away.

All painted and looking good
With some handsome models

I think I'll make the lessons learned the next post. Suffice it to say that although the table is far from perfect, it will be hosting MANY picnic lunches for Mommy and the boys and I have plans for some more woodworking projects.


  1. It looks GREAT! I can't wait to make mine (HOPEFULLY this summer!)

  2. Awesome! You did a fantastic job. I can't wait to start with my first project.
