Saturday, May 8, 2010

Treasure Hunting

We took a little trip around the corner yesterday to go treasure hunting (geocaching). We found one of the two we were looking for, and had a nice walk outside, although it got hot pretty quickly.

Getting hydrated for our walk

My three favorite men

Doing some dead reckoning, or something like that.

Just for Grandad - Christopher found a walking stick!

Really big - that's about all I have to say about this one.

Completely unrelated to treasure hunting. To take advantage of all that naughty energy, I put Patrick to work unloading the dishwasher. He did a pretty good job!

Hopefully tomorrow will bring pictures of a bright blue picnic table. Until then, enjoy!


  1. Very cool! A GPS sure would have made land navigation easier! (a lot of dead reckoning)

  2. We do have the GPS - it only gets you so close. Taking a bearing, esp. from different directions helps narrow in on the most likely feature the cache is hidden in. Some GPS receivers have a built in magnetic compass, otherwise, you have to be moving at a pretty good clip to get a heading (fast walk). I like being slightly old school. Besides, the compass doesn't use batteries...

  3. We love geocaching...Kaylynn calls it treasure hunting too.
