Monday, March 30, 2009
Our DIY Weekend
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Here is crazy Mike standing on Devil's Arch, the rock bridge we hiked to. I reminded him more than a few times that he's the baby daddy now, but he did it anyway. He swears it was wider than it looks.
And this was the view from our bedroom. Not bad - lots of trees!!!
And since I know you don't really want to see us, here's one of my big sliding boys at the park the day before we went to Sedona. Patrick loves the slide, and Christopher loves going with him.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
While Mom and Dad Played ...

Uncle Mark feeding the giraffe while Christopher watches from a safe distance - their tongues freak me out too!
Grandma holding the boys on the train. That's about 60 lbs of kid right there! Christopher asks at least daily if we're going to ride train see animals again, so it must've made quite the impression!

And from the "Apparently this is what happens when you have boys" front, my sofa is now a train shed. Thomas and Percy were lacking lodging the other day and so Christopher decided to see if they would fit between the couch cushion and the back. Voila, it's their new shed. As we're going to bed tonight he gives me the trains and says "Trains night night green fosa, Mommy". I'm putting $10 on him making a beeline for the sofa when he gets up in the morning. Until then, Thomas and Percy are snug as bugs in a rug.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Milestone
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I Scream, You Scream...
In other news, Christopher is now Mr. Personality, or at least Mr. Commentary. New phrases in the last few days include "Be right back", "He's so sweet" (about Patrick), and "I did it!". We can expect to hear any and all of these at least 20 times a day until he comes up with something else :-)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Look What I Can Do!
He has figured out how to walk behind his walker. Putting all that weight to good use, here he is pushing Christopher around.
And just so he doesn't feel neglected, here is sous-chef Christopher helping make some fab chicken fried rice the other night. He's taken to covering his face when we ask him to smile for the camera, hence the hands and weird expression. Oh well. With a 2 year old you win some, you lose most.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
P-Jiggley with a goat - I love the perplexed expression on Patrick's face.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Patrick's Birthday
Getting ready for cupcakes on his actual birthday
Making cupcakes with playgroup friends
Ready for Mass in his snazzy birthday overalls

Monday, March 9, 2009
For A Monday
Sunday, March 8, 2009
What a Difference a Year Makes

The bride and groom celebrated and then jetted off to Wyoming to ski. Their son just turned three months old, so it must have been some good time :-) Happy Anniversary, Cindy and Matt - congratulations on surviving the first year and the first pregnancy and we wish you many more happy years!
Movie Time
This is Christopher a few weeks ago doing one of his favorite things, moving his wagon of rocks around the yard.
This is Patrick on his first trip into the sandbox (or at least the first one where he did something other than eat sand). His head isn't really (quite) that big - the picture distorted when we rotated it.
Friday, March 6, 2009
A Perfect Day for a Picnic
Patrick was just excited because, well, it was time to eat. That's all it takes for him. I decided to experiment with the cheese sandwich - below you will see him flexing those fine motor skills carefully picking all the cheese off the bread. Oh well, better luck next time!
Just one more - out of the blue this morning, Christopher decided he needed to hold Patrick. This would have been great and sweet 9 months ago, but they now weigh the same amount and Patrick is unlikely to sit still for anything. Here was the result - cute anyway!